Back together again – Fred Pearce and Tony Taylor at Simister, July 22nd

The Fred Pearce Relay has a special place in our club’s calendar, It’s a moment when we remember Fred’s enduring contribution to the life of his cherished Lancashire Walking Club. And, on a personal level, many of us will have our intimate recollections of being with him. My friendship with Fred goes back deep into the 1960s and endured across the decades. Thus I’m sure Fred will look down with pleasure at me celebrating a 70th year as a competitive race walker in conjunction with the Relay at Simister. If he could he would be checking, as was his custom, whether I’d got everything I needed. He was the team manager par excellence.

Fred showing fine style in his Lancashire County vest, 2007

Forgive me repeating the tale I told a few weeks ago.

The year was 1953 – more remembered for a Coronation than my first tentative attempt at ‘heel and toe’. My dad, Alf organised three age-group races in conjunction with a Lancashire WC event at the Hindley Green Labour Club. which was just up the road from where we lived. Not necessarily a coincidence!

Third in the 6-8 age group, I didn’t realise that the senior 6 miles race on the same day announced the arrival on the walking scene of the great Joe Barraclough, often referred to by Ron Wallwork as the most talented LWC member never to have gained an international vest. My achievements fade in comparison. So too, it is only in retrospect that I savour the honour of being awarded the style prize, which was presented by the 1924 Olympic silver medallist, Reg Goodwin.

Taken on holiday when I was indeed just six years old

My appearance, all being well, in an actual race next week as a 76-year-old is less impressive than it sounds. For many years, whilst I didn’t stop race walking in training, I competed erratically. My record pales in comparison with those of my contemporaries such as our very own Ron Wallwork and Mick Holmes, whose recent passing is still very much in our thoughts.

As ever it would help enormously if you could let Dave Evans know – – if you are attending and in what capacity. In terms of the Relay itself, Dave has the unenviable task of sorting out the make-up of the teams so as to ensure an action-packed finish. Hence if you are intending to compete, please give him advance notice if at all possible.

Looking forward to being with you on the day and hoping you can make it, despite looming disruption on the railways,

The race will start at 1.00p.m. NOTE THE TIME

Lady Wilton Hall, Simister, Manchester M25 2SB


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