Centurions Corner and Notice of the Goodwin Trophy

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  1. Along with Tony Malone and Chris Harvey from our side of the Pennines, I was honoured to attend the funeral of the outstanding Mick Holmes a fortnight ago in Shipley. The Yorkshire sun blessed us with its presence, shedding light on a sea of claret and amber, the colours of Bradford City, worn by local supporters, the Shipley Bantams. Mick, it might be ventured, was obsessed beyond human understanding with the football club. To be found amidst the replica shirts was a contingent from the world of race walking, Mick’s other love. His amazing career cut short by illness is documented in this tribute, Mick Holmes race walker extraordinaire. As well as Tony, Chris and myself, Roger Mills and Bob Dobson, along with Olive had travelled up from the South, family friends for decades. Barry Graham brought more memories of the York Postal era and, last but far from least, 90-year-old John Eddershaw represented the great Sheffield tradition, now consigned to the history books.

The humanist service was imbued with emotion, humour and defiance. At one point the celebrant quoted from our online tribute a story told by Chris Harvey, which brought tears to our eyes. And an old militant such as me smiled wryly at the stories of Mick’s visceral hatred for Thatcher and his support for the miners. It was fitting that we retired to an ageing working men’s club for the post-funeral beer and ‘butties’. The occasion made, I’m sure, all of us proud to have known Mick Holmes [Centurion 717], on and off the road.

This photo of Neil, Olive, Roger, Ann, Bob and Fay was taken in the club after the funeral

2. Speaking of gentleman John Eddershaw, with whom we exchanged our customary Yorkshire/Lancashire banter at the funeral, we have received the following news from Bill Sutherland via Dave Ainsworth.

Roving reporter Bill Sutherland brings news from the steel city of Sheffield, where legendary John Eddershaw recently celebrated a 90th birthday. Soon after addressing an audience, John slumped to the floor with a suspected heart attack. A traditional call of “Is there a doctor in the house?” boomed out, and remarkably 4 hands shot up. He was professionally cared for until taken to the hospital for 3 days of admission during which a stent was successfully inserted, so enabling him to return home for rest and recuperation. We all wish John well.

John Eddershaw (Centurion 299) resides at :
4 George Woofindin House, Eccleshall Road, Sheffield. South Yorkshire  S11 8QA.

A card or a letter to John wouldn’t come amiss.

3. In my ramble at the end of the Fred Pearce Relay on July 22nd I lamented the absence from the gathering of Chris Bolton [Centurion 332]. I’d been encouraged by Chris from the early 1960s. Together with Ron Wallwork he imagined and produced CONTACT, the club magazine, which played a significant part in fostering the club’s community spirit. As it was Chris was absent for more than a good reason. On Friday, July 21st, aged 80, he completed his 20th participation in the famous Nijmegen Walks. Bravo, Chris!

Chris was featured in “Der Gelderlander” newspaper.
His richly deserved and cherished 20th Nijmegen medal

4. The Centurions are proud to announce they are organising two race walks this year – the 2023 “100 miles in 24 hours” Centurion – qualifying race walk and a 50K race on the Cycle Circuit at Middlesbrough Sports Village (Alan Peacock Way, Marton Road, Middlesbrough TS4 3AE). The races will take place from August 19th to the 20th. The course is a wide flat tarmac cycle track of just under 1 km. The venue has 24-hour lighting, space for support tents, a power supply for chip timing, parking, a cafe and many other facilities. 

Both races start at 12 noon and will be held under Category ‘B’ race walking rules. Minimum age 20 years old. The rules stipulate walkers must maintain contact with the ground and satisfy the judges they are walking.

The time cut-off for the 50K is 10 hours.

We wish all the competitors, especially our own, the very best of fortune. As I understand the hero of last year’s race, Adrian Edwards may well be giving it another go.


This coming Saturday, August 12th the Goodwin Cup 10 kilometres will take place in Chorley, changing facilities at St Peter’s Church Hall, Harpers Lane, PR6 0HP – start at 1.00 p.m. As is now customary it would be helpful, if you are able, to let Dave Evans know if you are attending and in what capacity.



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