Second Middlesborough One Hundred, August 19/20th

We can but endorse Dave Ainsworth’s best wishes to all.

I wish the Organising Committee, all officials, helpers spectators and – of course – hardy competitors (especially those taking on this severe challenge for the first time) and their attendants the very best in our 2nd Middlesbrough 100 Miles.

May good fortune shine on all, and also may “unhelpful” weather stay away.

Sincerely yours.

Dave Ainsworth C540

And Dave Jones C987 adds on behalf of Redcar Race Walking Club

The 2nd Middlesbrough 100 miles in 24 hours racewalk live results can be viewed here as the event happens. The start time is 12.00 noon B.S.T. Saturday 19th August, and the finish will be at 12.00 noon on the Sunday. Good luck to everyone and see you there on Saturday.


In the end, our club has 4 walkers in the 50k, Adrian Edwards, Martin Payne, Sailash Shah and Roy Gunnett. No first claim member from LWC is in the 100 mile – but we have Martin Fisher doing it as a second claim member.

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1 Response to Second Middlesborough One Hundred, August 19/20th

  1. Chris MADDOCKS says:

    Good luck to all this weekend. Respect to each and every competitor taking part.

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