Marion and Peter Fawkes honour Andrew Fraser

It’s been two years since we posted our tribute, Andrew Fraser RIP, standard bearer for Scottish Race Walking. The piece contained moving anecdotes and images such as the one below.

Marion Fawkes’ evocative image of Andrew and a passing tractor made the front cover of the Race Walking Record

In a touching and generous gesture, expressive of the values of the race-walking community Marion and Peter Fawkes wished to honour Andrew’s legacy.

Peter takes up the story.

Andrew can be attributed to reviving the interest in Scottish Racewalking and is fondly remembered by all in the North of England for encouraging members of the Scotia Club (which he formed) to travel to many of our races over the years.

Unfortunately, he was taken from us far too soon, being a victim of depression, which brought on mental health issues.

Marion and I couldn’t attend his funeral in Edinburgh almost 2 years ago but thought we would like to remember the sterling effort he put in to ensure Scottish walking continued. We therefore commissioned a memorial trophy in his name both as a tribute to Andrew and a thanks to the Scotia Team members for their support at our races up North. We stressed that it was entirely up to the Scotia Committee how they were to use the trophy, as it belongs to them.

Before we could present it shortly after the funeral, Covid hit and it has taken until now to present it to the Committee. I’m happy to say that we have now righted that delay by travelling to Glasgow on Tuesday and handing over the Trophy to Bill McFadden, who has taken up the cause of Scottish walking from Andrew.

The pictures below show the Trophy and Marion presenting it to Bill at the Rutherglen Town Hall.

Bravo, Marion and Peter. Best wishes to Scotia from all at Lancashire Walking Club.

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1 Response to Marion and Peter Fawkes honour Andrew Fraser

  1. Russ Jackson says:

    Well done Marion and Peter, Andrew was a good friend and always full of enthusiasm and was always good company.

    Russ. Jackson

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