From Rags to Riches in barely a month. Bravo, Ken

Dave Evans reports:

An atmospheric shot revealing the beauty of the course sees Trophy winner, John Crahan ahead of Sailash Shah

Ken Connor made his debut in the sport just over 5 weeks ago after an illustrious career in running. A one-hour track race at Bury offered him the opportunity to test the water in this new enterprise and although his heart was very definitely in it the strict rules of walking were not displayed but helpful comments from observers were gratefully accepted. The absolute novice was commended for his application but reminded that progress in this event required contact at all times.

Ken on his way to victory, showing much-improved technique

Thirty-six days later Ken has developed a very correct walking style and suggested the surface has only been scratched. He passed the timekeeper Eric Horwill at 2 miles in third place but 2 miles further on was leading and going strong. With his background in endurance events, he managed to stretch this gap between himself and his closest pursuer to over 2 minutes by the finish and has arrived!

Glyn in eye-catching yellow shows the way to Joe Hardy. Pat Evans and Dave Hoben

Amongst his followers was the tenacious John Crahan who has been regularly frustrated by travelling problems but on this occasion coped admirably and won the Albert Rigby 10k handicap by a couple of minutes. A suitable reward for past troubles and the large tin of Celebrations will have sweetened his journey home.

The marvellous Andrea Lennon finishing in front of her adoring fans


  1. Ken Connor 67:28(23:23,45:35)
  2. Tony Bell 69:58(23:17,45:50)
  3. Roy Gunnett 72:07(23:16,47:04)
  4. John Crahan 73:49(24:09,49:12)
  5. Sailash Shah 75:11(24:11,49:09)
  6. Joe Hardy 76:33(25:22,50:58)
  7. Pat Evans 77:03(25:30,51:06)
  8. Dave Hoben 77:56(25:27, 51:04)
  9. Ian Hilditch 79:03(25:35, 51:42)
  10. Andrea Lennon 88:36(29:05,58:42)

Greg Smith 36:10


John Crahn almost lost for words on receiving the Albert Rigby Trophy from Marshall Barnard
  1. John Crahan 63:19
  2. Dave Hoben 64:56
  3. Pat Evans 65:03
  4. Joe Hardy 65:03
  5. Andrea Lennon 65:36
  6. Ken Connor 65:58
  7. Roy Gunnett 66:07
  8. Sailash Shah 66:11
  9. Tony Bell 68:13
  10. Ian Hilditch 68:33

As always many thanks to Glyn Jones, Eric Horwill and Chris Harvey for their support on the day- not forgetting Marshall and Kath for the excellent after-race buffet.

Satisfied and satiated the assembled await Dave’s wise words

And, as ever, grateful thanks to Greg Smith for the excellent photos.

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