Best Wishes for 2024 and December’s Virtual 5km results

STOP PRESS: Adrian Edwards informs us that our next training day will take place at the Stockport Woodbank Park track from 12 noon until 5pm on Sunday 14th January. There is also a development race taking place in the Sale Harriers indoor open meeting. A 1km race walk starting at 1:30pm on Sunday 28th January. Unfortunately entry is by invitation only.

The Botanic Gardens – an optimistic painting for the year ahead by Marilyn Taylor

In a world beset by crisis, carnage and contradiction we can but hope upon hope that peace and humanity will prevail. Against this global backcloth in our small corner of shared passion and camaraderie, I wish all our members and friends the very best for 2024. I’m not sure how many of us can aspire to setting personal bests. Time is not on our side but we can dream!

Some anecdotes and photos from December – all much appreciated

John Gordon – Venue; Cardiff Airport : 11:00am – 5K Time: 32min 49 secs. Although conditions were frosty, the roads were surprisingly good. Bit of Sun starting now. Needed a warm-up and tights were on. Early flights had gone so I got roads to myself.

David Lamb – This morning at 0920 I set off to try and get a 5k under my belt and I succeeded, in a time of 52.55. I don’t know whether you want to include me in the club virtual 5k or not, as I am not a member. I will of course continue to walk the prom at a similar pace and hopefully do the January virtual 5k. There was a cold N.E wind blowing but the sun was beginning to appear, it was good to see the other side of the bay, which we haven’t seen since Saturday morning.

Steven Wilde – Dec 9 Euxton Lane,Chorley Windy and wet 5k time 39’50”

I often see runners,joggers and walkers with listening devices, presumably enjoying music of their choice.
It occurred to me that it would be quite easy to put together a playlist of songs which refer to our specific sporting discipline.
For instance, in training sessions, whilst endeavouring to achieve an unwavering straight direction of movement,I WALK THE LINE(Johnny Cash) would be apt.
If a pyramid session were required, effecting a North African/Middle Eastern cadence might be appropriate to accompany WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN (The Bangles). I don’t suppose you could say Pharaoh than that.
An English obsession with weather conditions might find us occasionally WALKING ON SUNSHINE (Katrina & The Waves), or more often JUST WALKING IN THE RAIN (Johnnie Ray).
Self-indulgently, I would include WALK ON THE WILD SIDE(Lou Reed) in my own list, whilst the sentiments evinced by Rodgers and Hammerstein’s anthemic YOU’LL NEVER WALK ALONE might give fitting expression to the collective spirit and camaraderie of our club.
Compliments of the season to everyone.

Stephen Walker – 36: 34 in sunny Portugal!

Tony Bell – Virtual 5km today by Racewalking the Millhouses parkrun. A slow start as usual, 18s to get to the start line. 1st lap of 3 rather crowded but then I got going. Lap splits 11.55 10.52 10.34 – but see below.

Tony at the turn in the park run

Greg Smith – My time for the virtual 5k for this month is 35:42, done on 11 December on the 750 metres lap I use in an old industrial area called Bury Ground. There’s a little industry still there and now a police station at one side and a fire station at the other. It’s the only bit of flat ground hereabouts. Local runners often use it for fast intervals. Once I saw a big mixed group from the local TA doing a 10k time trial there in their boots and fatigues. It was a long way for many.

Bury Fire Station – what a beautiful surface!!

Tony Bell and Martin Payne – Monday night is training night in Sheffield with Coach Helen Elleker. Tonight we were at Woodbourn Road track. Martin Payne and I did a 5km race together as part of the virtual 5km. I did 32.40 and Martin was just behind in 32.41.

Tony beating Martin in a dip-finish

Marco Bernatzki – I have been busy this weekend and I finished my virtual race with a time of 33:39. Due to the cold and windy weather conditions a more than acceptable time. Wish you happy and peaceful Xmas days.

Ken Connor – On the same same day as our cancelled walk I walked Warrington parkrun in 31.29  about 32.10 official on a slightly long course but tweaked my hamstring in the process. Probably due to the cold and not warming up. So with some ice and rest the following Saturday I walked really well,  with a Widnes Parkrun in 30.03 only to discover a large bruise at the back of the knee. More ice and it’s seems ok now. As promised 29.44 recorded today, December 30. Bitterly cold, well wrapped up. That was punishing!

Nigel Shaw – Apologies for the late details ,we were away on holiday for the first two weeks in December went on December 04. Then straight back to work. Did 5k this morning 30/12/24 in a very cold Cheadle. Venue Cheadle Hulme to Cheadle village.

Pat Evans – time at our local parkrun this morning was 37:21. A fair amount of it was on soft grass and shaley paths so it was very good in the circumstances.

John Crahan – I did 34min 23 sec for my 5k. Despite a period or more niggles than pints I am reasonably fit.

Tony Taylor – Beautiful weather conditions, managed 30:15 [6:03; 5:59; 6:05; 6:05; 6:03]


  1. Ken Connor 29:44
  2. Tony Taylor 30:15
  3. Nigel Shaw 31:03
  4. Tony Bell 32:40
  5. Martin Payne 32:41
  6. John Gordon 32:49
  7. Marco Bernatzki 33:39
  8. John Crahan 34:23
  9. Greg Smith 35:42
  10. Stephen Walker 36:34
  11. Joe Hardy 37:04
  12. Pat Evans 37:21
  13. Roy Gunnett 37:23
  14. Phil McCullagh 38:18
  15. Steven Wilde 39:50
  16. Andrea Lennon 42:27
  17. Chris Harvey 48:46
  18. David Lamb 52:55


  1. John Gordon 25:09
  2. John Crahan 27:28
  3. Martin Payne 28:01
  4. Marco Bernatzki 28:37
  5. Nigel Shaw 28:38
  6. Stephen Walker 28:39
  7. Phil McCullagh 28:53
  8. Ken Connor 29:19
  9. Pat Evans 29:41
  10. Tony Bell 30:00
  11. Tony Taylor 30:15
  12. Greg Smith 30:17
  13. Steve Wilde 30:54
  14. David Lamb 30:55
  15. Roy Gunnett 31:13
  16. Andrea Lennon 32:02
  17. Joe Hardy 32:24
  18. Chris Harvey 38:21


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