Beaten by the Bell!

Great title to the post as Dave Evans reports:

The first live event of the 2024 Lancashire walking club year took place in the leafy suburbs of Simister under a greyish sky accompanied by a coolish wind which appeared to affect the officials more than the heel toeing aspirants. The final race of 2023 was meant to be the Christmas handicap but winter weather forestalled the last race of that year and we had to revert to our old favourite – the virtual alternative.

On our way

Meeting for the first time since November it was encouraging to note that we all looked the same with some fitter than others. 11 walkers addressed the starting line under the watchful eye and watch of Eric Horwill and as they set off downrange the first signs of a personal duel reared its head in the shape of newcomer Nigel Shaw and the “old hand“ Tony Bell.

Tony and Nigel side by side

With Glyn Jones manning the 2500 metres turnaround I understand that Nigel and Tony were weighing each other up and as they cruised towards the end of the first of the two sections it was even steven. Both heard Eric enunciate 32 mins 50 and the gloves were off. Trailing this duo saw Roy Gunnett exhibiting his very efficient style of walking and a trio of Greg Smith, John Crahan and Pat Evans in relatively close proximity to each other.

Roy Gunnett
Greg Smith
John Crahan
John Crahan

As the clock ticked away the small collection of supporters at the finish tried to guess who would show first into the home straight and as the duo came into view it was Tony Bell in the lead with Nigel in his wake. It could have gone either way but Tony’s superior track speed and experience saw him take the win with a very spirited last 600 metres 9 seconds ahead of his younger rival (61) !

Tony outkicks Nigel

Andrea Lennon, a youngster in her 80’s , walked extremely well recording a very satisfying 43 minutes 39 secs , having opted to complete her day with a 5k

Andrea Lennon
Joe Hardy
Ian Hilditch

While we were patting ourselves on the back for a successful day thoughts were turned to Sailash Shah who during the ravages of the recent storms was quite literally swept off his feet as he exited his car and was blown across the road. Fortunately he was not hit by another vehicle but nevertheless had to attend hospital where he left waiting for a considerable time. He is recovering having damaged his rotator cuff This shoulder injury will take a while to heal and we send him our best wishes. John Payn, one of our 90 year old centurions , has had a fall at home and has been moved to a secure care facility to aid his recovery. We hear he is not complaining as he doesn’t need to make his own meals.

Alf Short

Alf Short, another of our centurions, has returned to the fold and walked with some style and will no doubt be back with a vengeance once he repeats more of today’s outings.

1. Tony Bell (32:50)64:08
2. Nigel Bell (32:50)64:17
3. Roy Gunnett (34:42)69:07
4. John Crahan (37:50)75:00
5. Greg Smith (37:04)75:16
6. Joe Hardy (38:21)75:26
7. Phil McCullagh (38:33)76:40
8. Ian Hilditch (38:43)79:00
9. Alf Short (41:35)84:47
10 Pat Evans 37:57(5k)
11 Andrew Lennon 43:39(5k)

Phil NcCullagh

1. Phil McCullagh 59:40
2. Tony Bell 59:48
3. Ian Hilditch 61:30
4. Nigel Shaw 61:32
5. Joe Hardy 61:46
6. Roy Gunnett 63:07
7. Greg Smith 63:46
8. Alf Short 64:47
9. John Crahan 65:00
10 Pat Evans
11 Andrea Lennon

Thanks to Martin Payne, the day’s official photographer.


However other photos were being taken. These snapped by Chris Harvey with Greg’s camera, I think?

Tony pulls away in the final few hundred metres
Nigel, a stylish second place
Roy, a solid third but we do need to do something about the splayed left foot. Inches lost on every stride!
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1 Response to Beaten by the Bell!

  1. Greg Smith says:

    To give the photo credits proper due: the last three snaps were taken by Chris Harvey on his phone–I merely edited them! Greg

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