A Sunny Chorley greets the field for the Dave Crompton Memorial Trophy plus notice of the Bury 10 kilometres track, June 1st

My apologies for the late appearance of this result – still a touch under the weather.

Proof that the sun shines on beautiful Chorley

Dave Evans reports:

The appearance of Adrian Edwards for this very demanding event introduced an element of intrigue with several “new” club members meeting the challenge at the front end. Temperatures in the mid 20’s added an extra twist and so much so that at the 1 mile point 3 walkers passed in almost a minute faster than last year. The weather was hot and so was the pace.

The leading group approach Dave and Christine at one mile

We saw two distinct groups with another phase of three bringing up the rear with Roy Gunnett and Steven Wilde linking them together in the middle. The journey between the first check point and the top of the climb is quite tortuous but if you can hold it together till then the next downhill portion returns feeling to the legs ! In 2023 the leading walker approached the Marshall at halfway in 41 41 but 3 individuals chose to circumvent him this time in 39 10. Roy Gunnett rounded the midway marker one second slower than his 2023 time.

Roy begins to pull away from Steven as he ploughs a lonely furrow
Steven ploughing on too. Is that a smile or grimace?
The trailing trio of Pat, Ian and Joe in close order

The return route mirrors the outgoing 3 1/2 miles exactly but is perhaps a little kinder offering a bit more down than up. The trailing trio were locked together for almost the whole of the race and this likely helped all three to maintain their well paced equilibrium. Towards the finish a still raw Ken Connor, working hard on his technique, broke away from the runner up and third placer.

Ken breaking away from Adrian and Nigel, who are in perfect synchrony
Ken Connor looking strong

Louise Whaite, Eric Crompton, David Lamb and Christine Pearce provided great support manning water stations on route and were relieved that all arrived back safely. Everyone broke the 90 minute barrier with Greg Smith mixing his walking activities with photography.

Together with Dave, Christine Pearce continues the great family tradition of meticulous recording

Results [RWA Permit 24007/1]

  1. Ken Connor 74 mins 20(10:21, 39:10)
  2. Nigel Shaw 76 mins 15(10:22, 39:10)
  3. Adrian Edwards 76 mins 18(10:22,39:10)
  4. Roy Gunnett 85 mins 44(11:09,41:42)
  5. Steven Wilde 88 mins 57(11:28, 43:47)
  6. Joe Hardy 89 mins 09(12:27,45:16)
  7. Ian Hilditch 89 mins 17 (12:27,45:19)
  8. Pat Evans 89 mins 59(12:26, 45:16)
Nigel Shaw receives the Dave Crompton Trophy from Dave Evans


  1. Nigel Shaw 76:15
  2. Adrian Edwards 76:18
  3. Pat Evans 78:59
  4. Roy Gunnett 79:19
  5. Joe Hardy 79:39
  6. Ian Hilditch 80:47
  7. Steven Wilde 81:57
  8. Greg Smith 4K walked

As ever thanks to Greg for the great images. Much appreciated.


Roy Gunnett informs that Roger Morley has confirmed that the Bury Track will be available for the Dick and Zena Smith 10k and 5k track walks on Saturday June 1st. Roger will open the gates at noon.

The walks will start at 1:00pm as usual. As ever it would be enormously helpful if you could let Dave Evans at dave.evans08@hotmail.co.uk know if you are able to attend and in what capacity. Especially so as track events require more officials.

Bury Athletics Club, Market St, Bury BL9 9FX


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