Looking ahead to the Fred Pearce Relay and Training at Stockport

Following the cancellation of the Macclesfield Trophy race on July 6th, Dave Evans has penned this call to support the Fred Pearce Relay on July 20th

Dear All,

As you will know our venue for the Macclesfield 10km on July 6th is unavailable so unfortunately we have had to cancel this event. The highlight of our year is the Fred Pearce relay on July 20th which usually brings together our biggest club and guest turnout. It was always Fred’s hope that we would see at least 20 walkers toeing the course so let’s see if we can match that and better. Traditionally we have teams of 3 which each team member doing 5k on our usual Simister out and back. I hope you will pencil this date in your diary and let me know as soon as you can if you will be joining us. The teams will be selected on the day but advance notification of your availability will enable me to configure teams before the day itself. Each team will carry a handicap aspect so on the basis of a yacht handicap each will leave the start at a different time . Please prioritise this race and make the day a big success. Best wishes.

Contact Dave at dave.evans08@hotmail.co.uk

In addition Adrian Edwards gets in touch.

Nigel and Adrian enjoying training at Stockport

With the Macclesfield race being cancelled perhaps some people might like to come to the next track training session? I could time someone over 5 or 10k if required; or just join in with the training sessions.

Sunday 14th July 12 till 5. Woodbank Park athletics track in Stockport. Sorry to people who can’t make Sundays; the track isn’t available on Saturdays.

Anyone wanting to do a judges course, there’s an online course organised by Welsh Athletics in July. You’ll also need to do a safeguarding course on line and a DBS check.

The link to the course is https://www.welshathletics.org/en/event/clone-of-face-to-face-level-1-track-judge-swansea-tbc.

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